The Origins of MMD
The inception of MMD begins with the story of an orphaned medical student named Anoop*, who lived in the rural confines of the city of Thrissur, Kerala, a state in India. Rachel and Joachim empathized with Anoop, who found himself battling through a flurry of financial setbacks at the Sacred Heart Orphanage to get a medical education. The more they talked to him, the more they wanted to help him achieve his dream in the medical field. As they learned about Anoop’s lack of funding for medical school, an obstacle which could permanently impede his medical journey, they were determined to help. Recruiting a group of peers to help them in their mission, they organized a local system of service to raise money towards Anoop’s cause through door-to-door outreach, and channeled all their proceeds towards the common goal of Anoop’s medical school tuition fees. After meeting our service goal, they had the opportunity to talk with Anoop directly, and will never forget the gratitude in his voice and his tears of joy and happiness. Fundraising for Anoop to achieve his path in medical school has given them a larger sense of purpose, meaning, and humility. Currently, Anoop Roy is continuing on his educational path at a medical school in Ukraine, one tremendous step closer towards fulfilling his dream career in the medical field.
But the story doesn't stop there. Anoop is but the first of 60+ students MMD is supporting since it's inception. Our work is only possible because of our generous donors, who allow us to reach more and more students every single year.
*pseudonyms are used to protect confidentiality
But the story doesn't stop there. Anoop is but the first of 60+ students MMD is supporting since it's inception. Our work is only possible because of our generous donors, who allow us to reach more and more students every single year.
*pseudonyms are used to protect confidentiality
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Making Medical Dreams (MMD), a 501(c)3 nonprofit established by high school students, is a platform dedicated to uplifting and empowering the lives of children with various backgrounds through funding and supporting their education at every stage.
MMD works with both local homeless shelters in the Bay Area, as well as impoverished communities globally, such as in Odisha, India, and Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine. |
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